Vampire Saftschlürfer
Vampire Clan  Saftschlürfer Logo

Was created by an Elder vampire 07/04/2023 at 19:55:12
Character description

Vor 69 Jahren in einen Vampir verwandelt und seither auf der Suche, um den wertvollen Saft der Menschen zu schlürfen. Lecker.

Sein Name ist Saftschlürfer und niemand kann sich vor ihm verstecken ;) .

69 years ago turned into a vampire and since than out for searching humans, to slurp their precious juice. Yummy.

His name is Juiceslurper and no one can hide ;) .

Damit ich euren Saft schlürfen kann, müsst ihr nur auf meinen Schlürflink ;) klicken, danke:

Für mehr ehrwürdige Schlürferpoesie, besucht gerne unsere Clanseite ;) - Jeder Schlürfer ist uns willkommen ;)

Zur Verstärkung des Saftschlürfers geselltes sich bald ein treuer Gefährte. Sein Name ist Bäckchenbeißer und er entwickelt sich immer weiter, in ein mächtigeres Wesen, um besser in Bäckchen beißen zu können ;)

Tretet näher und forder mich zum Kampf. Keine Angst, er beißt nicht, außer in Bäckchen. Also haltet eure Bäckchen, einfach im Verdeckchen ;)

Ein Portrait des ehrwürdigen Saftschlürfers:

Total loot: 65,032.33 litres of blood
Victims bitten (via link): 81
Fights: 2413
Victories: 417
Defeats: 1996
Draws: 0
Gold gained: ~ 1,000.00 Gold
Gold lost: ~ 2,000.00 Gold
Damage to enemies: 28761
Damage from enemies: 160093
The attributes of Saftschlürfer:
Character level: Level 28
Strength: (49)
Defence: (45)
Agility: (50)
Stamina: (46)
Dexterity: (12)
Experience: (3853|3920)
The ancestral site statistics of Saftschlürfer
Attempted challenges: 4
Successful challenges: 4
Failed challenges: 0
The sentinel of Saftschlürfer
Wütiger Hund
Sentinel breed: Enraged hound
Sentinel name: Wütiger Hund
Attack: (2)
Defence: (2)
Stamina: (2)
Gender: unknown
Age: unknown Years
Hometown: ---
ICQ-number: ---
MSN Messenger: ---
Yahoo Messenger: ---
AIM-Name: ---
Jabber ID ---
Skype ID ---
Adolescence - Much vital knowledge is accrued in your forming years.<br />When you venture out into the dark on your nocturnal manhunts, it is a wise idea to make use of the knowledge you accumulated during adolescence, whether it stems from parental advice or the school of hard knocks. The abilities learned will accompany you your life long… Battle proficiency level 1 - Practice makes perfect.<br />Two steps forward and one back… Only a strenuously obtained fighting routine - based on both glorious victories and searing defeats - will lead you to the ultimate goal of becoming the supreme fighter in the realms of darkness. How high will you climb in the ranks of legendary warriors? Big spender 1 - The shopkeeper knows you quite well. Weapon collector 1 - From toothpicks to claymores - you have seen practically every type of weapon imaginable. Potion merchant 1 - A tiny potion imbibed at the right time can be just the thing to liven up a heated fray.

Saftschlürfer has not yet achieved a special arena rank.

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