[PVG] Proud Victory Gamers
Werewolf Clan
18/10/2024 at 23:38:28
Clan Description

War Clan

Currently, there is no other clan on the server that would be interested in waging war against vampires.

Wolves who are not afraid of competition and are prepared for the possibility of defeat can join us and try to compete with us against opponents who are devoid of honor. You can join both permanently or in the event of declaring war then returning to their parent clan.

Due to the extreme unreliability of vampires, we do not negotiate the terms of war with them.

We only give them a choice - fight or surrender.

Both decisions will be documented.

We will not be interested in waging war with clans consisting exclusively of players who have invested thousands of euros in their accounts and have no equals. You can declare such wars at will and they will be immediately interrupted by us. We do not consider you as partners in conversation or players who can call themselves warriors.

The pain in the arse about declaring war is a compliment to us.

What we do to the vampires:

Clan members: 3
Name: Level: Rank:
[PVG] Biscoter 124 Napoleon
[PVG] Raikou 123 Guardian
[PVG] Black_Lady 112 Anwärter
View of the clan domicile:
Completed clan wars
Clan name Fights won Fights lost Fights won
[RSK] Royos Schattenkrieger 354 559 Fights lost
[DSF] Die Saftschlürfer 85 3 Fights won
[LVNDR] Lavender Rising 101 0 Fights won
[GCBL] GCBloodlines (all vamps welcome) 0 - Capitulated
[CMD] 11th Commandment 145 14 Fights won
[TL] TOTAL LEGENDARIES 18 - Capitulated
[TR-RO] TRANSILVANIA 69 0 Fights won
[RdF] Irmandade RdF 136 0 Fights won
[VSN] Vampire Solitaire Nocturne 7 - Capitulated
[BLOOD] BLOODgirlS 72 0 Fights won
[RSK] Royos Schattenkrieger - 35 Capitulated

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