[GCBL] GCBloodlines (all vamps welcome)
Vampire Clan
16/08/2023 at 18:32:57
Clan Description

This clan merged GlobalCLUE & Bloodline, other clans are Welcome to merge!


1 *Vampires of all levels are welcome to the clan, especially those who want to grow and join high level clans in the future.
2 *Only active players will be approved.
3 *Premium is recomended, but not mandatory.


1. *Active vampire clans are invited to merge and become part of a clan with an impeccable war record. Contact Giggles or Snake if you're interested.
2. *High-level vampires are expected to mentor lower level members. Help others grow.
3. *If you hit one of us you hit *ALL* of us! We will revenge and protect our members at all cost! Report those wolves who are giving you trouble.
4. *Participation in wars will be evaluated.
5. *Members will be given admin rights, except change description and delete clan. If you have suggestions for the clan description, please contact Snake. You may choose your own rank.
6. *You may message the clan, but we encourage you to join the GCBL Discord channel (or use the Clan Board tab). Ask the admins for access. Feel free to write your messages in your primary language, but consider including an English translation if possible.
7.*If you're offline for more than 3 days, you'll be contacted by the admins. Failure to respond could result in being kicked out. If you need to stay offline for a few days, inform one of the admins or send a message to the clan, so we can make an exception.

>>>Clan Founder<<<

~Honored Friend~

[DPS] Dead Poets Society

*This Leg Lamp Major Award stands tall to commemorate the legendary "Clan War Week". The legend says 10 wolf clans fell victim to the might of GCBL in the course of only 1 week!

*Use the following information well and good hunting!*

>>MG Wiki<<

Cooperation Learning Understanding Education:

Rhetorical Question:
Would the world be a better place if everybody could talk, learn, and work with each other?
It's rhetorical because I'm pretty sure most would answer "Yes, but that's impossible."
This clan hopes to make the impossible possible.

GlobalCLUE (created by Jeff "Giggles" Cooper) dedicates itself to helping students collaborate worldwide for free, utilizing Tapped In to create virtual school districts worldwide.

MonstersGame allows players internationally to communicate; we have over 6 languages represented in our clan. Hopefully it may play a part in bringing worldwide peace through monster clan wars!

Clan members: 15
Name: Level: Rank:
[GCBl] Lord KannyBal 119 ~*~Just a breath~*~
[GCBL] Giggles the Ferret 91 Fastest & Furriest Leader
vozan 72 Elder Vampire
[GCBL] Fineal des Roussier 71 The Old One
Vampiman 62 Man on fire
[GCBL] Dracula.? 54 ⛧ Deus Das Trevas ⛧
[GCBL] Mačak 42 Aelurus
[NB] Sanguinesti 31 Theatre of Blood
Light.iris 30 Bright Flower
[GCBL] Witchblood 29 The Witcher
[GCBL] YORU 27 Príncipe da escuridão
s2_Milky 22 Junior Vampy
Mrs.Crowly 18 Undertaker
Oldscary 12 Verry Scary --Count Floyd
View of the clan domicile:
Completed clan wars
Clan name Fights won Fights lost Fights won
[HLH] Hombres Lobo Hispanos 92 - Capitulated
[DDoV] Deadly Disaster of the Vampires - 0 Capitulated
[BR] FENRIR'S CLAW - Recruiting 71 1 Fights won
[1967] KARSIYAKA 314 9 Fights won
[NOX] NOX 59 0 Fights won
[SIN] Das Sündikat 110 6 Fights won
[DSMA] Dark Side of the Moon Academy 8 - Capitulated
[MDS] Meister der Schmerzen - 7 Capitulated
[DuW] Brotherhood of Lycans 237 115 Fights won
[ADDoV] Acamdemy Deadly Disaster of Vampires 54 0 Fights won
[.T.] Tabacos Matones - 5 Capitulated
[DDoV] Deadly Disaster of the Vampires 691 326 Fights won
[-F.M-] Full Moon 22 2 Fights won
[KLZ] Killaz! 53 0 Fights won
[WSSA] WSuperSolidersArmy 29 2 Fights won
[ToB] The old Breed - 349 Capitulated
[Nö] Einfach Nein 31 3 Fights won
[Wtw] WolfTheWolf 48 5 Fights won
[ALV] Chsmdr los Vampiros 41 2 Fights won
[AAH] ABANDON ALL HOPE 11 - Capitulated
[R] Retired 62 8 Fights won
[] No Name 27 11 Fights won
[.T.] Tabacos Matones 15 - Capitulated
[MDS] Meister der Schmerzen 275 190 Fights won
[SnBo] Snoot Boops 89 1 Fights won
[08.02] ThEoZeAn 69 0 Fights won
[TH] The Horde 127 12 Fights won
[GF] Green Family 420 39 Fights won
[PVG] Proud Victory Gamers - 0 Capitulated
[PSG] Powers Senhores da Guerra 369 358 Fights won
[BBB] B 15 4 Fights won

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