![Werewolf Werewolf](https://int3.monstersgame.moonid.net/s12k8igiqqkpxjmp74xywsc53znvxb5g/img/register_were.jpg)
You were bitten by a Werewolf called [DuW] Wolfstatze .
You have lost 1.26 kgs of flesh.
Transform into a Werewolf and play MonstersGame too. Click here.
Danke für Euer Klicken,ihr könnt das Jeden Tag 1x machen.
Am Besten natürlich selbst Anmelden und Mitspielen. LG
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Wer sich den Gesetzen nicht fügen will, muss die Gegend verlassen, wo sie gelten.
Notice: The text below was provided by the player, not MonstersGame. If the text is insulting in any way or perhaps even illegal, please contact the game provider immediately. Thanks in advance.